Currency Exchange

GPA currency exchange counters operated directly under the management of the Narita Airport corporate group. GPA counters within Narita Airport handle 34 currencies, more than any other currency exchange counters, making traveling more enjoyable and simpler.

Today's Exchange Rate

The exchange rate posted is the rate quoted in the last daily update. Please be aware that it is provided for your reference only. The rate offered may change due to a sudden change in market prices or current events. Note, also, that we do not promise to trade with customers at the rate posted. Be sure to check at the store when you exchange currency.

  1. 2024.10.08 10:46
  2. update
Country/Region Currency Foreign currency to JPY * JPY to Foreign currency *
USD 144.20 150.60
CAD 100.02 117.22
MXN 5.67 9.67
BRL 18.91 35.21
EUR 157.85 166.35
GBP 181.70 204.70
CHF 168.16 177.96
DKK N/A 24.09
NOK N/A 16.21
CZK 5.66 7.16
PLN 32.20 43.00
HUF 0.32 0.48
KRW 0.0959 0.1249
CNY 18.75 22.75
TWD 4.0989 5.0989
HKD 16.18 21.45
SGD 108.65 119.35
THB 3.95 4.90
MYR 30.04 38.56
IDR 0.0069 0.0119
PHP 2.11 2.94
VND 0.0048 0.0072
AUD 90.40 109.60
NZD 82.32 99.57
XPF 1.20 1.54
FJD 56.01 76.81
TRY 2.33 6.83
SAR 34.88 44.88
AED 35.77 45.77
ZAR 5.53 11.53
QAR 34.71 47.71
ILS 34.57 44.57
  • The exchange rate from foreign currency to JPY shows the amount of JPY purchased per foreign currency amount.
    The rate from JPY to foreign currency shows the amount of JPY paid per foreign currency amount. We do not charge any commission.


TEL:+81(0)4-7632-4757 (9:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:50, on weekdays)